

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chasing Pavements

Miles this week: ~25/35
Good stuff.
But good enough? I’m never sure.

Spring break is coming up. I'd love to say I'm running on the sandy beaches of Florida, or along the windy roads of the Californian coast. But no- to Philadelphia I go.

I'm going on a nine day mission trip with ACF- my church group here on campus. I praise the Lord for this opportunity to serve. Yet, I’m still uncertain. I'm going to work hard and pray hard, but can I still run hard? I've never really run urban areas before. My race is in a city. This could be good.

"Some days you just won't have time," my youth group leader Jackie says. "We'll be working sun up to sun down."
"But if you can find someone to run with you, and the time, go ahead."

So now my running fate hangs on the willingness of others. Another gulp. Yet one week off won't ruin my body. But it could ruin my confidence. I'm not having trouble running anymore. If anything I have to restrain myself. A day off leaves me tapping my nails in anxiety, eyeing every spandex clad girl that huffs by. This has made me more motivated, though. I got in nine and eight mile runs this week and felt great after. But can I relax this for a week without flipping out? I sometime get so looped into letting my image of myself crash if I don't run. Can I put this aside for nine days if God asks me to, and serve?

I honestly can't tell you.


  1. You can do it, Kate! You're going to make it! I hope that your trip is a time of refreshing, not stress, for you.

  2. You can do it!! And even if you can't get in 8-9 miles, a 1-2 mile run won't take you very long, and would still be better than nothing...

  3. Kate, from following this blog these past few weeks it's easy to see the determined and persevering type of person that you are. So I know you can do it! Enjoy your mission trip and it'll be a good thing to run in a city to prepare even more for the Pittsburg Marathon.

  4. Don't you love it when non-runners say something like: running will be difficult but you can try... and then you go out at 4am before everyone wakes/10pm while everyone is socializing just to prove them wrong?

    One of my friends years ago went on a field trip to Ghana while marathon training. She had to run with a male friend for security and they about died in the heat since, culturally, they couldn't wear as little as runners in the US would.

    You've got this!
