

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A [Spring] Break in the Routine

Miles over break: ~12 (frowny face here; less than half my usual)
Meals: Mostly PB and J's, maybe a banana on a good afternoon.
Service: Incredible (more than a million times my usual)

For Jesus to become more, I must become less. (John 3:30).
For all the time I spend thinking about running, lifting, and well- me me me, it was good to step back and get some perspective this past week. Not jogging sunny Floridian beaches or some Bahaman sea-side highway. I had a tougher type of training. Lots to clean, young girls to mentor, crack and heroin addicts to share God's love with at 1 am under the SEPTA railway. We gave them food, clothes, and the option to move into a safe house and off the streets. It was sobering, it was bold. It made me stop thinking about myself- for once. I served God more, and really tried hard to serve my own needs less.

And He really took my anxiety about running away, and on Tuesday, blessed me with the opportunity to run (and I mean run!) around the city. Eight miles. One hour. From Fishtown to Center City, to the Historical district, down by Penn's Landing and back again. It was quite a tour, and reminded me of why I love running so much. From new sights, new places, the feeling of stretching out my legs and sprinting off into an adventure.
And now back at State College, I worry of losing the same feeling excitement  in both my faith and my running life. How can you keep running the same miles and routes fresh, day in and day out? How can I keep this from becoming work again?


  1. Spring is here! Hopefully all the new growth, active animals and warm weather will help keep you going.

  2. I love your posts! They are always so inspiring, and you give me that little bit to keep pushing on. You are on your way to an amazing experience, with many you've already experienced! Keep us posted :)

  3. I agree with post above -- hopefully the unfolding spring will keep a spring in your step (pun intended). I'm so glad your trip was refreshing on many levels.

    May running and serving be joys -- not work -- for you this week!
