

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Miles to Go Before I Sleep

Miles last week: 50!! (just sayin')
Miles this week: 32/50

How can something as standard as distance be so subjective?

Every run is different- you have good days and bad days. Slow or fast, tired or strong. Miles can fly by or drag on endlessly. Why? How can the same line of street seem to extend and expand as if fault-lines were spreading apart right beneath my sneakers, birthing new concrete as I run. And other times scenery passes by faster than I can register. I just don't get it.

I've finally started using MapMyRun to keep my miles straight. Most of the cumulative distances of routes are passed down by word of my on the XC Club Team. Considering the exaggeration (and egos) of some of the runners, I decided I wanted a second, more qualitative opinion. As I clicked from point to point on the digital map, outlining my route in a connect-the-dots fashion, I was surprise to see how long a really mile is. Did you know the furthest-most reaches of campus, when lassoed into one ovular track, are just barely beyond 3 miles? Sad, huh?

So at the corner of Shortlidge and College, when my running buddy Liz pointed toward Burrows and said ".8 miles," I was incredulous. It took only four minutes to jog to Atherton. I don’t run no four minutes miles. So I ran beyond her suggestion, just in case.

I worry sometimes- I feel that miles and their sensory-based times are directly related to how you feel. And like I said- some days your legs are just unpredictable. What can I do to make sure my miles- all 27 or so- fly by? And how do I prepare myself for the moment I know will inevitably come, that part in the race when both I and my distance start to slow down?

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