

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Need for Speed

Miles: 35/40+

I've been focusing on distance. I’ve done a ten and a half, a nine and a half, and a nine mile run this week. Then a five and a half mile short run. Each one at a decent pace. I want to up my endurance, going home for a long 15 mile run this Saturday. I need to train every part of me, I’ve realized. I don't want my mind to be scared when my body begins to ache, as I know it will. My legs buckle and my insides bubble. I've felt it before. I anticipate it again.

I've been putting off speed work. I loathe it, sprints and intervals in all there forms. Yet today I got some worked in anyway.

I have never run, showered and biked as fast as I did to get to Eisenhower on time today for Jane Goodall's speech. It’s amazing how fast you can go when you’ve got something good waiting at the end,

After eight miles with one of my best XC friends, I wanted to round off my run closer to ten. With my roundtable discussion with Dame Goodall in less than an hour away, I forwent dinner and tacked on the University loop. I booked it up University drive and back down Shortlidge. And the thing is, for all my avoidance of speed work, I've found I'm not an unhealthy as I thought it was. Not as slow. I'm much stronger, in body and mind, than I had thought. Hands numb and legs pumping, tired and rushing back to my dorm... I felt good.

I've been so scared I won't be ready for this marathon- that I haven't done enough- but today, with the clock ticking and Dame Goodall waiting, mind triumphed over matter. I felt happy to run, though my body was tired. A rare combination for me, and a small but worthy victory against the doubt that shadows my steps.


  1. Goodall was incredible! You'll have to tell me all about the roundtable (cough next run cough).

  2. So proud of you! That is amazing that you are capable of running such long distances and especially so quickly. I can't wait to see you accomplish this!

  3. I'm so out of shape, and I dont even think I could run one mile anymore. I remember gym class when we would have to run the mile and we would get timed. I would usually run it all out and get a decent time, but last year, I gave up on that and decided to walk the mile with some of my friends from class. When I walked across the finish line, my gym teacher shouted "Corpora! 18 minutes and 26 seconds! Nice job, just one minute slower than the pregnant girl!"

  4. It really is amazing that you can do this! The thought of running 10 miles makes me cringe. I've thought about training for a 5K, but a marathon?! Good for you!

  5. Your dedication is amazing! I can't imagine running such distances and training as hard as you do, on top of school work and other obligations. Keep going at it, Kate.

  6. I echo all the above sentiments: Go, Kate, go!
